ネパール・スタディ・プログラム ー 報告書「Summary of NSP Report in English(英語版概要)」

Summary of the Report

・Overview of Nepal Study Program(NSP)
The study programs organized by Kokuren Forum aims to achieve 4 goals:

1) Gaining knowledge about, and improving ability to discuss, issues related to UN;
2) Expanding personal network of the participants for their career development;
3) Nurturing leadership of the participants;
4) Sharing the discussion among participants for non-participants.

In order to achieve these goals effectively, NSP consisted of three steps which are explained in more detail below (planning for the visit, field visit to Nepal, and post-visit activities). Throughout the program, we prioritized the learnings through our actual field visits to project sites of international organizations in Nepal. Another distinguished feature of this program was, under the concept of ‘full participation’, participants themselves took part in all the learning processes, including planning of pre-visit study sessions.

・Planning for the visit
Prior to the visit, members worked on preparation in 3 groups. Program Planning Team contacted the organizations in Nepal for the visit and was also in charge of scheduling and logistic arrangement for the participants to safely and comfortably stay during the visit. Research Team led in organizing several study group meetings where members learned about issues in Nepal and the specific activities of organizations to visit. Public Relations Team was in charge of sharing information about our learning process, so that more people who had not been familiar with the program have had interested to NSP. Learnings from these activities allowed the members to clarify what they would like to see and learn by visiting Nepal.

・Visit to Nepal
During one week in Nepal, NSP members have visited in total 13 international organizations as listed in the graph below. In each visit, we had briefings from staffs of the organizations and following discussions. Most of organizations we visited also offered site visits, in which we could witness actual project implementation.

21st, 25th Nov.KathmanduJapanese Red Cross, ADB, UNDP, ILO, JICA, IOM, UNHCR, UNESCO, UNICEF
(Team A) 22-24th Nov.NuwakotFAO, UNDP, World Bank
(Team A) 22-24th Nov.ChautaraJICA, UN Habitat, WFP

・Post Visit Activities
After our actual visit to Nepal, NSP members aimed to further deepen their discussions about issues related to UN in Nepal, and also tried to present their discussions to wider audience, in mainly three ways. First of all, NSP members organized a discussion session in ‘Networking Conference’, which is another event hosted by Kokuren Forum and receives participants of nearly 100 participants every year. The team posed question on ‘how to retract Nepalese who received high education outside of Nepal to work in Nepal for its development’, and ‘what must be done to govern multi-ethnic country like Nepal’. Secondly, between February 11 and March 11, NSP members organized four discussion sessions (one each in Fukuoka, Osaka, Tokyo and Sapporo) so that people who did not participate NSP can also understand what are major findings of NSP members, and deepen their knowledge about international issues through discussions. In total, approximately 120 people participated to the sessions, and learnt about the activities of UN and other international organizations which we visited in Nepal. Thirdly, the participants also created two short movies, so that people who did not participate to this program can also learn about NSP easily. Lastly but not least, as you see in this report, NSP members publicized its ‘Final Report’, which includes all the information above in Japanese.

We are all glad for the success of this program, for which we are strongly convinced to owe significant amount of support and kindness granted by all organizations which kindly took time and effort to support us in arranging the mission.